Friday, September 30, 2005

Unrest in Umm Sequiem

There's been a mini revolution in the heart of the suburbs, led by Jonny, who is harassing his local Starbucks for the return of his favourite snack, the chicken pasta salad.

According to Johnny, lunchtimes haven't been quite the same since they took CPS off the menu. After several words with the manager, they have reinstated it on the menu, but apparently it's from a different supplier and "the dressing is a bit manky".

So Johnny has literally started up a petition. Apparently he's not the only person whose life lacks a little je ne sais quoi: staff at this outlet have told him that his protest is gaining momentum as other customers add their name to the list. It's only a matter of time before customers take to the streets branding plastic coffee stirrers to get their own way.


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