Friday, October 28, 2005

Aussie rules

Have come Down Under for a few days of work, as well as to catch up with Danny and James, who I haven't seen for years. James did the city end of my trip, complete with drinks at high-altitude bars, as well as a whistle-stop tour of the city. Danny took care of the weekend, including barbecue and road trip.

So, I can confirm the following: have driven past Palm Beach and seen the beach where they film Home & Away, as well as the Surf Club building. Have seen a wallaby, flying fox, possum, cockatoo and a bush fire. Ate in a posh restaurant opposite the Opera House and got bitten by mosquitos. Had all four seasons over one weekend. Tried six types of Aussie beer and none of them were Fosters or Castlemaine XXXX. Passed an island called Scotland. I still don't understand Aussie rules. They watch way too much Jerry Springer here. Australian Idol isn't as good as American Idol. Cathay Pacific should be renamed Crappy Pacific.

Off to Asia now, on the way back to Dubai.


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